

Thursday, February 28, 2019

TRNN - Specter of Fascism: Cohen Says Trump Won’t Leave Peacefully in 2020

From this video you get some idea of what goes on at the top. Being fair, winning elections, playing by the rules, may the best man win - no, these guys win by whatever means necessary: Cheating, lying, double-crossing, illegal activity, blackmail, bribes, rigging elections - and maybe even worse, at times. There's big money involved.

The panel here seem to think that the Trump administration won't go out peacefully if Trump loses the election in 2020. They think a false flag may occur, where, maybe Iran will get accused of some terrorist act, or plot, in the U.S. or something, and then the Trump administration will call off elections to form an emergency government to get the war going they want with Iran.

The panel think that a large section of the U.S society is inept, supporting a brutal economic system based on the worse possible type of capitalism, where Trump was put in place by those who liked what he said about brutally torturing people, murdering entire families if one of them was considered to be a terrorist, and putting people in boxes, etc. The Trump administration is close to fascism, applauded on by its base.

But there is some hope, say the panel, and good people are getting into politics now who want to clean the system up, and then hopefully one day some of these swamp creatures will get put in prison where they belong.

Hearings reveal deepening systemic corruption, further degeneration of GOP, progressive members standout in questioning - Jacqueline Lukman, Henry Giroux and Carmen Russell-Sluchansky join Paul Jay


  1. “The panel here seems to think that the Trump administration won't go out peacefully if Trump loses the election in 2020.”

    I thought the same thing about W. Bush. He was so obsessed with his War of Terror that I strongly suspected Bush would concoct some reason to stay in office. This would have been unconstitutional, but most US government actions are unconstitutional these days.

    As for Trump, he follows orders from Israel, Wall Street, and the Military Industrial Complex. So do all presidents. He will stay or go according to their dictates.

    Meanwhile Michael Cohen is a proven liar who vilifies Trump in every way he can, in the hope of avoiding indictment himself.

    “The panel think that Trump was put in place by those who liked what he said about brutally torturing people, murdering entire families if one of them was considered to be a terrorist, and putting people in boxes, etc. The Trump administration is close to fascism, applauded on by its base.”

    I don’t see it that way. After the 2008 financial crash, Bush and Obama bailed out the creditors (i.e. banks and bondholders) so they could continue screwing the debtors (the masses). No criminal bankers went to jail. 10 million American families lost their homes. As the middle class went extinct, so did legacy stores like Sears, JC Penny and Montgomery Ward.

    Today almost all growth in GDP is in bank earnings. For example, if you fall behind in paying a credit card, your interest rate goes from 11% up to 30%. Economists call this an “increase” in GDP, when in fact it is a decrease.

    The point is that average Americans could not understand economics, but they could personally feel its effects. When Americans were given a choice between Trump and Obama 2.0 (i.e. Hillary) many of them took a chance on Trump, who ended up changing nothing.

    As for the Democrat leadership, they are at least as corrupt as the Republican Party.

  2. Trump lied, and has put more swamp creatures in Washington.

  3. But there has been no Russia collusion. Mueller has found nothing and will NEVER release a report because there is nothing to report. Meanwhile, people's lives have been destroyed. Maybe these people were not the most ethical, that could be argued, but nothing like what we have seen from Wall Street and NOTHING related to Russian collusion. This is a farce and a witch hunt to the extreme.

  4. It's off the planet, Mike, I can't believe this BS is happening. Then the other day Mike Pompeo said that Iran and Hezbollah were operating terror cells out of Venezuela. This propaganda is so blatant, it's scary because mo one in the media is challenging it.

    The Western media is a complete lie, but it is manned by 'nice liberals' that no one would believe would lie, and yet they lie in such a way which might endanger the lives of millions of people. It's like the world has gone mad.

  5. The entire first section of yesterday's NYT was a hit parade on Trump, everything from Russia to hookers to real estate, lawsuits, criminal investigations, etc.

    While I am no fan of either Trump or the NYT (anonymous Op Ed in the country's flagship paper, "unnamed intelligence sources citing secret document", historical revisionism, lies of omission, etc., etc. etc.), this is absolutely unprecedented.

    If only they would apply half of that "attention" (for lack of a better word) to other public figures (no need to name them, it is their responsibility ). The NYT has grossly violated and utterly abandoned its own ethical standards ("truth") to serve political interests and ends.
