

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Renegade Inc: Myth Busting the European Dream

I once believed in the EU as I loved its social democracy and I would argue in defence of it with everyone. But in the end I voted to leave the EU and my friends never forgave me because they still had an old fashioned view of Europe as the great social democracy.

Ross Ashcroft was always pro the EU up to now but I think he has changed his mind after this interview with David Rose who says that the EU has been destroyed by neoliberalism. The left politicians gave up the fight and decided that nice jobs within the corporations and fiancee would do them just fine.  Now the right are leading in the polls but  finance would prefer that to the left, and so people are being hoodwinked if they think the right will change things all that much.

David Rose asks how did mortgages end up taking half of people's wages, which made them poor and wrecked the economy. I remember getting my first flat (apartment) when I was 26 years old and my active social life got wrecked over night as I no money left. Well, you have to move out sometime so I had to lump it, but I suppose I was excited about owning my own home too, except I have never been all that wealthy being a home owner. What a life hey, you only live once and there I am always skint, just getting by. I was skilled and yet I was poor.

The middle class has collapsed, says David Rose, as financialisation has hollowed it out. And yet millions of British people today feel wealthy because their home are worth a fortune - on paper! But how many hours at work did they have to do to buy them, and how much did their families go without. Is that leading a wealthy life? Personally, I like to buy everything cheap, including my house, and so it might not be worth much now, but I wouldn't have paid much for it either, and that's fine by me.

Before moving out, I could figure out the value of things like a pint of beer, or some a hi-fi, a car, a holiday, a phone, a calculator, a meal out, etc, but when I bought a one bed-roomed flat it was a massive leap in price in relation to everything else, and it didn't make to me sense to me in value for money terms. And renting a flat cost the same, which baffled me too,

The average German is not well off anymore, says David Rose, and in fact they are poorer now than 15 years ago, but Germany commands Europe. He says the whole European Union is corrupt and what the bankers did to Greece was a crime. Nowadays financial warfare is used to conquer nations and it is much cheaper to do too.

The whole of the West has gone wrong and greed has hollowed it out. Now China zooms ahead and the U.S. is looking for war to bring them down.  I thought we were intelligent creatures and that we would just invent better technology to make ourselves richer.

After the devastation and hell of WW2 I thought wars were over, but now they say that a nuclear war is winnable. It's mad. What kind of crazy risk is that just to grab few more billions that won't increase their standard of living?



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    PART 1 of 2

    “I once believed in the EU, as I loved its social democracy and I would argue in defence of it with everyone. But in the end I voted to leave the EU, and my friends never forgave me because they still had an old fashioned view of Europe as the great social democracy.”

    Twenty-some years ago when I first heard about the EU, I too thought it was a charming idea. One big happy family in a nice cozy house.

    When I asked how money would work in this nice cozy house, I saw that the euro-zone would have a monetary union under a central bank, but no fiscal union, with no a central authority to issue non-loan money.

    I knew this would be disastrous for Eurozone nations that have trade deficits, since they would have to borrow all their money from bankers, and thereby become ruined by debt. Greece and France are examples.

    Even today, many people still cling to this “nice cozy house” delusion. They imagine that everything would be fine if everyone groveled more to the dictates of Brussels and Frankfurt. They imagine themselves superior to euro-skeptics and to “leave means leave” people, who they condemn as Neanderthals.

    Their childish delusions are so far out of alignment with reality that they redouble their delusions, fiercely defending the bankers that despise them, and fiercely defending their cruel owners in Brussels and Frankfurt. Their psychosis makes them see euro-skeptics as flaming racists and hard core Nazis. And the corporate media outlets do all they can to sustain this sickness, since the delusion maintains the gap between the rich and the rest.

    Q. Why do rich Britons tend to oppose a Brexit?

    A. Because they obey and ignore EU dictates as they see fit. If an EU dictate would reduce the gap between the rich and the rest, then oligarchs quietly ignore it. If an EU dictate would increase the gap between the rich and the rest, then oligarchs eagerly enact it, using the excuse that the EU required them to do it. In any case, the EU is designed to promote neoliberalism.

    “Now the right are leading in the polls, but finance would prefer that to the left, and so people are being hoodwinked if they think the right will change things all that much.”

    Dumping the euro, for example, would bring huge changes. MONETARY SOVEREIGNTY IS THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT POWER THAN ANY NATION CAN HAVE.

    Meanwhile oligarchs don’t mind the right taking power, so long as the right clings to the euro, and thereby remains subservient to the bankers. Up to now, oligarchs have supported the left, since leftists keep the peasants enslaved by attacking populists and nationalists as racists and Nazis.

    “David Rose asks how did mortgages end up taking half of people's wages, which made them poor and wrecked the economy.”

    This happened because banks create loan money out of thin air, and banks will always lend the maximum amount that the market will let bankers get away with, since higher loan amounts mean higher bank profits.

    Here in the West, bankers are the main cause of housing price inflation. You finally get a house, and it doubles in value, but so does every other house, so you are no further ahead. Indeed you gradually fall farther behind, since incomes never keep up with housing values.

    As a result, each day the UK becomes a little bit more of a dystopia. Mounting economic pressures cause madness (e.g. all schoolchildren must be programmed to be gay, and men must be allowed to use women’s toilets, changing rooms, and showers). And everyone must grovel to Jews.


    Continued below

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    PART2 of 2

    “The average German is not well off anymore, says David Rose, and in fact they are poorer now than 15 years ago, but Germany commands Europe.”

    Germany has the euro-zone’s strongest economy, but this does not translate into a wonderful quality of life for ordinary Germans. They too are squeezed by oligarchs, who program average Germans to blame everything on “lazy Greeks,” not on the oligarchs.

    Moreover Germans are “morally superior” to all other people (except Jews) because Germans accept their “unique guilt” for the mythical “holocaust.”

    Average Germans demonstrate how there is a fine line between guilt and arrogance. (Since I am more contrite than you, I am more righteous than you.) Arrogance and self-righteousness blinds average Germans to how badly they are screwed by oligarchs.

    “David Rose says the whole European Union is corrupt and what the bankers did to Greece was a crime.”

    Hold on. Greek politicians deliberately allowed the bankers to crush Greece, since Greece politicians were on the banker payroll, and still are. Greek politicians adopted the euro and sealed Greece’s fate on 1 Jan 2001.

    Individually and collectively, when we look closely and honestly, we see that most of the bad things that people do to us (not all; most) happen because, in one way or another, we allowed it. We don’t like to admit this, of course, since we enjoy being “victims.”

    “Nowadays financial warfare is used to conquer nations and it is much cheaper to do too.”

    And much more destructive. What is a nuclear warhead compared to permanently enslaving an entire nation’s people via debt? What is 100k dead bodies compared to 100 million slaves?

    If you wanted to murder six million people in three years (1942-45), you would have to kill 3.8 people a minute, 228 people per hour, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, fifty-two weeks per year, non-stop for three years. This is not physically possible. But if you corral six million people into a death camp, and you simply don’t feed them, you can kill six million quickly and effortlessly.

    This is analogous to the vast difference between a shooting war and a financial war.

    “The whole of the West has gone wrong and greed has hollowed it out.”

    The West seems intact on the outside, but is totally rotten and hollowed out on the inside. The shell is already collapsing.

    “Now China zooms ahead and the U.S. is looking for war to bring them down. I thought we were intelligent creatures and that we would just invent better technology to make ourselves richer.”

    So if mankind exterminates itself, will you weep? I won’t. We had our shot, and we blew it. Dinosaurs ruled the earth for 165 million years. That’s 41,250 times longer than human civilization has existed (starting in 4,000 BC).

    Put another way, if dinosaurs ruled the earth for 28.65 days, then human civilization arrived during the final second of the final day.

    We had our shot, and we blew it.
