

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Christian Stöcker — The Kids Aren't Nearly Angry Enough

The school children who have been protesting to stop climate change every Friday have understood a basic truth: They are being betrayed. By politicians. By business leaders. And by an entire generation of denialists.
I would add "yet" to "the kids aren't nearly angry enough." It's coming. It took a long time for the growing rage about the Vietnam to surface in the media.

Spiegel Online
The Kids Aren't Nearly Angry Enough
A Commentary By Christian Stöcker


  1. I would add "yet" to "the kids aren't nearly angry enough." It's coming. It took a long time for the growing rage about the Vietnam to surface in the media.

    New ideas and paradigms cannot rise until old ideas and paradigms vanish in the form of people physically dying.

    For example, neoliberal corporatists still control the Democratic Party, but they will soon be dead. Schumer (aged 69), Biden (76) and Pelosi (79) are now fighting a last-gasp battle against demographic changes. Hence they attack younger people like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.

    Bernie Sanders, 77, is part of the old crowd. Sanders has never mentioned MMT -- but AOC has.

    Old people are either languishing in poverty, or else they are comfortable and don’t want any changes -- e.g. Pelosi, who should not be allowed in public, let alone in Congress as Speaker of the House.

    We must survive until these maggots die off. The biggest and most irresistible political changes are caused by demographic changes.

    Incidentally the coordinated censorship campaign of media giants and social media platforms is a fight against demographic changes. Young people are starting to question war, neoliberalism, Israeli evil, political correctness, and so on. They attack "boomers" (baby boomers) as decrepit demons who resist change.

  2. Climate change deniers - selfish b*stards!
