

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Dr Harriet Fraad - Capitalism Hits Home: Listen Up Leftists, There's a Class Revolution in the Household - Part 1

An excellent summery of how it all went wrong in the US. It tackles everything from unions, feminism, to race relations, and how the CIA infiltrated these groups to divide and rule.

After the New Deal, the industrialists decided to destroy the unions, where during the Mccarthy period they were made to throw out their socialists and communists, believing the propaganda that the best way out of poverty was by the American Dream. As a result, the elite were able to keep wages low and offshore most of the jobs.

But in Europe, unions remained strong and no company could offshore jobs without consulting the unions or the local communities, and with all the regulations it meant the cost of offshoring became too expensive. Recently in Germany, steel workers won a 22 hour week with full time wages to improve their 'work /lifestyle balance'.

During the 1970's, American men lost their jobs with good wages and so women had to go to work as well to get the much needed extra income, but they didn't like coming home afterwards and doing all the housework as well. So they demanded more from their men and along with more demands for equality at work, the women's movement began. But the CIA infiltrated it to ensure it became a women's only movement to divide and rule, setting men against women, and driving it to its future extremes.

And race equality groups started up too, but the CIA also infiltrated those as well to again divide and rule - black against white.

But men didn't take on too many household chores and so 30% of American women today have no interest in marriage.

I consider this essential viewing if you want to understand modern American politics and how it all went wrong. The CIA messed up race relations, women's movements, and the unions, creating the harsh American society of today, while the elite were able to offshore all the jobs.

Along with neoliberal turbo capitalism keeping the third world in desperate poverty causing the mass immigration, the whole picture of the modern world falls into shape.

You see, the thing is, the faults of modern society are usually blamed on the liberals and the left, but it is really the result of the policies of the One Percent.

When Part 2 comes out I will post it.

Thank you for supporting Capitalism Hits Home on Patreon! Your support helps us compensate the staff and additional workers it takes to put an episode together. Thank you for being a part of the CHH team! The US has had a class revolution in the household over the last 50 years and the left did not notice, no less champion that revolution. Hot button issues like abortion and birth control rights or family leave are shadow battles in that revolution. It is time to pay attention.

1 comment:

  1. I listen to the Capitalism Hits Home podcast regularly. There really is nothing like it in terms of getting right to the core of what's happening in modern American society. Fraad and Wolff are a hell of a team.
