

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

SouthFront Documentary On MH17 Reveals 5-Year-Long String Of Lies

Available now on YouTube. I would not count on it remaining so.

Documentary On MH17 Reveals 5-Year-Long String Of Lies

1 comment:

  1. Everyday here in MNE's we see a world no one else whould believe. A world of complete deceit and hate. I saw in twitter yesterday two young Syrian soldiers who had been captured by ISIS. ISIS kept saying God is great, Allah is great! They wanted the soldiers to condemn Assad. The young soldiers were beautiful and had kind faces. They looked scared. In the end ISIS shot them in the back of the head. Fortunately, the screen was blured out.

    I thought then, WTF is the US up to?

    China is zooming ahead, but through hard work and technology. People go there in holiday and can't believe they and can't believe they are in what was once a third world country. It's so modern, its trains are space age, its train stations are beautiful, the roads are first class, the infrastructure is elegant. It makes Europe and the US look backward and archaic. This is what the elite are scared of.
