

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Swedbank: Fiscal more effective than Monetary

The ONLY reason fiscal may be being looked at lately is that Trump has taken direct action against the perennial export USD zombie surplus nations policies thru tariffs and other threats of executive action ... Trump is acting in support of perennial deficit US's domestic employment and production..

The perennial surplus USD zombie nations are having to start to come up with a contingency Plan B if Trump reelected...

This has NOTHING to do with MMT ... you're dreaming in f-ing left-wing fantasy la-la land if you think it does...

If Trump loses it goes right back to perennial US deficits and ROW USD zombie nation surpluses fiscal goes right back in the shitter....

The USD zombies only have about a year to kill before US elections so don't look for any widespread fiscal support for another year and then only if Trump is reelected you may see some start... they won't punt another 4 years if Trump reelected...