

Monday, September 23, 2019

45th Week of the French Protests

An article in the South China Post had an headline saying, The US or Britain might save the Hong Kong protestors, or pigs may fly.

I saw a video footage on Twitter where scores of protestors attacked an old man at a subway with clubs and lumps of wood. One protestor got right in front of him and pounded him left and right in the face for a good 30 seconds. It was finished off by a young woman beating him over the head repeatedly with a batton before she run off. He survived in one piece, amazingly, but it was too horrible to record and put out here.

None of this is being shown on our TV, and neither are the French protest. After all these weeks they still want Macron out. French police brutality is rampant, but no outcry in our media. 

#YellowVest (#GiletsJaunes) protests Bordeaux

✔️ 45 weeks of protests
✔️ 11 dead
✔️ 76 seriously injured
✔️ 2500 injured
✔️ 23 lost an eye
✔️ 5 lost a hand
✔️ thousands arrested
✔️ no mainstream media coverage

1 comment:

  1. "As a partridge that hatches eggs which it has not laid,
    So is he who makes a fortune, but unjustly;
    In the midst of his days it will forsake him,
    And in the end he will be a fool."
    Jeremiah 17:11

    Hence the need for ethical finance - not government privilege for usury cartels. I imagine France would be at peace now if all Euro creation had been via an equal Citizen's Dividend to all Eurozone citizens into inherently risk-free accounts at the ECB itself and with no other privileges for banks.
