

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Kalecki, Minsky, and “Old Keynesianism” Vs. “New Keynesianism” on the Effect of Monetary Policy — Tracy Mott

A version of what Lawrence Summers and Anna Stansbury (2019) recently pointed to as “original” Keynesianism can be found in the work of Michał Kalecki and Hyman Minsky, Their work offers analysis of the determination of investment spending and effective demand which avoids the deficiencies found in the New Keynesian economics in which Summers and Stansbury find shortcomings. In the paragraphs below, I describe how their insights and those of other economists sharing their approach provide an answer to the questions with which Summers and Stansbury are grappling, and more....
Larry Summers awakens from his "dogmatic slumbers" (ht Emmanuel Kant on reading himself after reading David Hume).

Well, better late than never, but unfortunately not soon enough to avoid doing extensive damage.

Also, it doesn't seem that Professor Summers has gotten around to attribution yet. Or does he not even know of this previous work?

Tracy Mott, Professor of Ecnomics (retired), University of Denver

1 comment:

  1. There's a picture at the link below of Summers on sparking form - I mean sound asleep. Perhaps some MNE followers might like to print it out, frame it and hang it on their living room wall??

    Scroll down here:
