

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Why is “millennial socialism” on the rise? Because liberalism is failing — Lea Ypi

Should be "neoliberalism" instead of "liberalism."

Good article on the paradoxes of liberalism.

New Statesman
Why is “millennial socialism” on the rise? Because liberalism is failing
Lea Ypi | Professor of Political Theory at the London School of Economics and Political Science

1 comment:

  1. Except I don't see that MMT advocates like Warren Mosler, a banker, seek to end neo-liberalism but to perpetuate it by:

    1) Increasing privileges* for the usury cartel, aka "the banks", in an attempt to make their racket more stable.

    2) Government provided wage-slavery for the victims to supplement wage slavery to the private sector.

    *e.g. unlimited deposit guarantees
    e.g. unlimited loans from the Central Bank at ZERO percent.
