

Thursday, October 24, 2019

From Scepticism to Endorsement: China’s Move To Cryptocurrency — Paul Antonopoulos

So-called digital currency (it's not currency–yet) is about a type of payments system that functions on the basis of blockchain transactions. If a central bank issues currency using blockchain it will be a genuine digital currency. It looks like it is coming, and at least one country is already doing it (Venezuela).

The take-away is that blockchain payment is highly efficient and will eventually drive out less efficient systems. China apparently gets this, and China is already way ahead in terms of digitizing payments, having leapfrogged over traditional methods.

Fort Russ News
From Scepticism to Endorsement: China’s Move To Cryptocurrency
Paul Antonopoulos

1 comment:

  1. If it's so efficient, why does it tax the CPU and generate heat?
    This is worse than being a gold bug, or believing in the petrodollar.
    At least criminals and tax evaders have a reason to use cryptocurrency.
    Sovereign governments do not!
