

Sunday, October 27, 2019

George Monbiot - Bolsonaro & The Apocalypse: The Most Dangerous Man on Earth

The leaders of the Catholic Church hated Liberation Theology with its left-wing roots and so killed it off. After that, the American Pentecostal Church got a foothold in Brazil because of the vacuum left by the Catholic Church.

The Brazilian evangelicals are taught to be very right-wing and to praise capitalism and so they vote for Bolsonaro. They may be poor, but they are told they will be rewarded in Heaven one day if they suffer gracefully, that is, don't try to change the system.  And they don't worry about deforestation, catastrophic climate change, the end of the world, or world war 3, because they believe Christ will return then and save them, while sending all the rest of us lefties and liberals to our comeuppence to burn in hell for all of eternity. This is the religion of love, peace, and forgiveness.

How did the ruling elite manage this, well, with lots of money, I guess? They did this in the US too during the 70's, and are now spreading millitant Islam throughout the ME, Russia, and China to destabilise those countries.

Eric Zuesse, the historian and journalist, says how religion has always been used by the elite to control the masses, and to get them to fight in their wars for resources.


  1. “they believe Christ will return then and save them, while sending all the rest of us lefties and liberals to our comeuppence to burn in hell for all of eternity.”

    LOL probably 99.9% of Christendom believes that....

  2. It’s a figurative construct created a long time ago by moron Platonists who infiltrated the church to try to effect behavior modification .... it’s known as ‘The Hell Doctrine’... completely made up fabricated product of a dialectic synthesis by moron Platonists...

    It’s a product of the dialectic synthesis known often today as “Judeo-Christian!” that includes BOTH Paul’s teaching of justification by grace (unmerited favor) AND the old Mosaic rules of behavior and conduct to gain justification in sight of God...

    When you use Platonism you always end up with a hypocrite outcome like you can observe here: “This is the religion of love, peace, and forgiveness?.”

    Hypocrisy (under-decide) is a feature of Platonism not a bug... it uses synthesis so you get BOTH .... it’s not the ‘narrow gate” the Lord said to use ... its “Satanic” to borrow the figurative language in the form of this personification used in the Hebrew Scriptures...

    Not being a Platonist in any way, shape, or form (i’m STEM trained to discriminate) I certainly do not believe it’s true AT ALL...

    It’s another moron Platonist hypocrite brain fart...

  3. "The leaders of the Catholic Church hated Liberation Theology with its left-wing roots and so killed it off. "

    lol the current POPE for crying out loud is a South American Jesuit into Liberation Theology ... what f-ing planet are you living on?????

    1. Yes, now, but not then, when Liberation Theology first took hold. You know that, because you're STEM trained, so you say.

  4. Yes, under Pope John Paul, I saw in Brazil how the gospel of love was marginalized. But Brazil is a very large and syncretic culture, accepting of different belief systems. And it would be wrong to say that all evangelicals are right-wing: that is very far from the truth. The evangelicals were welcomed not just because of propaganda but because of their greater openness and compassion than many examples of the established church. I knew a girl with a young child in CĂ©ara state in the North-East of Brazil in the late 1980s -- the local priest refused to baptize the child for over a year because it had been "born in sin", i.e. out of wedlock. Now that was the exact opposite of the approach taken by Liberation Theologians such as Leonardo Boff. Still, in that context, one can see why a move to the more welcoming evangelicals was attractive to many disenfranchised people in Brazil. Despite that, there is no question that many of the "evangelicals", so much supported by US big business, tend to be right wing. But even so, Bolsonaro only won because the military and big-business, working with CIA help, had preceedingly mounted a putsch against Dilma and illegally imprisoned Lula. So do not overestimate support for Bolsonaro, nor suppose that Brazilians, including "evangelicals", are mere passive receivers of evangelical doctrine/propaganda. Rather, the doctrine is interpreted through a Brazilian lens.

    Incidentally, most Christians emphatically believe in divine forgiveness and acceptance before all else -- old-testatment-based hellfire and brimstone manicheaism does exist but it is still very much a minority view among most Christians.

    1. Yes, there are left-wing evangelicals and leftist churches in the US.
