

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

South America, Again, Leads Fight Against Neoliberalism — Pepe Escober

Across the West, usual suspects have been trying to impose the narrative that protests from Barcelona to Santiago have been inspired by Hong Kong. That’s nonsense. Hong Kong is a complex, very specific situation, which I have analyzed, for instance, here, mixing anger against political non-representation with a ghostly image of China.
Each of the outbursts – Catalonia, Lebanon, Iraq, the Gilets Jaunes/Yellow Vests for nearly a year now – are due to very specific reasons. Lebanese and Iraqis are not specifically targeting neoliberalism, but they do target a crucial subplot: political corruption.
South America, Again, Leads Fight Against Neoliberalism
Pepe Escober

1 comment:

  1. What Pepe won't tell you is that Antarctica has succeeded in the fight against neoliberalism.
