

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Trump Loses More than Just the Battle Over Nordstream 2 — Tom Luongo

"This is one of the biggest stories of the decade." — Pepe Escobar at FB.

Gold, Goats 'N Guns
Trump Loses More than Just the Battle Over Nordstream 2
Tom Luongo


  1. Merkel's undemocratic tendencies, penchant for ibterfering in neighboring countries, cheating on trade agreements while flouting international cooperation on evertyhing from climate accords to trade agreements to alliances has been nothing ahort of authoritarian and destabilizing the world. Further Cheating on regulatory standards and enacting non tariff barriers to protect German workers and maintain unsustainable current account surpluses has lead to unimaginable suffering and political and economic instability in neighboring countries such as Greece, Turkey, Russia, Spain and far beyond. The US needs to do whatever is necessary to remove the Merkel regime from power before the Germans bring war to Europe again.

  2. Want to sell gas to Europe? Build a pipeline across the Atlantic.

  3. Ryan she is a Soviet type reared in East Germany before unification... probably given PEDs to help her in athletics trying to make the East German Olympic team... might be having long term effects...

    Germany surplus still off the charts and still resisting any domestic fiscal stimulus:

    Nothing has changed....

  4. Toilet training is all you need in Canada.
