

Friday, November 1, 2019

Asa Winstanley - Bad news for Jeremy Corbyn

The MSM has got together to smear Jeremy Corbyn to drive him and his movement out of the Labour Party. The whole 'antisemitism in the Labour Party' claim was nothing but lies.

In a free country you have a free-press, but the press is owned by oligarchs who spread propaganda to circumvent any democracy. A free country is democratic one, but when the whole of the MSM spreads lies, how can you have a real democracy? The British People did seeem to want what Jeremy Corbyn was offering, but they now are being denied that choice.

Propaganda war

The all-out media campaign smearing Corbyn as an anti-Semite has had an effect, leaving the public with a stratospherically exaggerated impression of anti-Semitism in the party.
In February this year, Labour’s general secretary Jennie Formby released figures of formal complaints to the party. Those figures show that, during the nine months prior, only 673 party members had even been accused of anti-Semitism.
In a party with around half a million, that amounted to about 0.1 percent of the membership.
In a letter to Labour’s right-wing deputy leader Tom Watson a few months later, Formby further explained that “anti-Semitism-related cases that have been taken through the stages of our disciplinary procedures since September 2015 relate to roughly 0.06 percent of the party’s average membership during this time.”
Yet despite these low figures, the national opinion poll commissioned by Philo and Berry found that this reality was not getting through to the general public.
The Electronic Intifada 


  1. Got my doubts about the above alleged MSM plot. Most of the stuff I've seen in UK newspapers says that while Corbyn himself in not anti-semitic, he has allowed too much anti-semitism to fester in the Labour Party.

    Second, I've seen several Labour MPs admit that they've noticed a fair amouint of anti semitism in the party.

    1. I doubt it's antisemitism, but a significant part of the left is very critical of Isreal's policies. They are trying twist this as antisemitism despite the fact there are many Jews who are critical of Isreal.

  2. “when the whole of the MSM spreads lies, how can you have a real democracy?”

    Here in the us the press has a favorable rating of 14%.... everyone here hates the press/journos....

  3. There is no anti-semitism in Momentum or Labour. That is an invention because Corbyn believes that Palestinian humanity is the equal of Israeli humanity. In other words, Corbyn is an egalitarian (big surprise).

    But Corbyn will lose because of Labour's lack of democracy and opposition to BREXIT. The only hope he had was to come out in favour of no-deal -- or Boris's deal. Instead, he has sought to manage all the remainer neo-Liberals and champagne progressives in his party. Big mistake. Half the working class, which would otherwise support him, will back Boris/Farage, as a result.

  4. The Confederation of British Industries otherwise known as the CBI which represents British businesses analyzed all the Brexit options and reached the conclusion that the best deal was the current one the UK has with the EU. Corbyn is doing his level best to obfuscate the fact any deal he can cook up will be worse than the current deal. This especially so because the Labour Party is committed to being anti-Freedom of Movement. Freedom of Movement is a pillar of the EU's Single Market. In a nutshell Corbyn is not being honest with the British electorate in regard to their future prosperity.

    The same lack of honesty with the electorate also applies to the Conservative and Brexit parties who are trying to claim the UK can be anti-Freedom of Movement and still maintain the same level of prosperity.
