

Sunday, December 29, 2019

John Siddel - Private firms invited to run NHS services with cancer and kids treatments on sale

EXCLUSIVE: The Conservatives are inviting private firms to bid for NHS cardiology, gynaecology, paediatrics and oncology services in big sell out

Boris Johnson lied and the public believed him. Business as usual!

NHS cancer care and kids’ ­treatments are up for grabs in a stealth Tory sell-off, the Sunday Mirror can reveal.

Private firms are being invited to bid for chunks of our health service – in complete contrast to Boris Johnson ’s repeated election campaign denials.

Cardiology, gynaecology, paediatrics and oncology are among the services being offered to companies.

John Siddel - Private firms invited to run NHS services with cancer and kids treatments on sale


  1. But wait, wasn't the sell-off of the NHS just a Russian disinformation plot?

    Goddamn, them Ruskies are good!

  2. What if access to care and quality of care improves?

  3. “What if access to care and quality of care improves?”

    For the same price and also as they lift profits?
    How is that going to happen? Where these privatizing schemes have been done it has not delivered better for the same price.

  4. If you put the incentive in place so that the more people these firms treat the more munnie they make then your going to get very timely and effective treatment as the firms go for all the munnie...

  5. Been tried, doesn’t work. And when something doesn’t work one should not be a fool and so it again.
