

Monday, December 16, 2019

Josh Gabbatiss - Brexit strongly linked to xenophobia, scientists conclude

Quite an interesting, but short, article I thought. I haven't got a patriotic bone in my body. I think all nations are equal, but some governments can be bad.

Fear of immigrants and foreigners is associated with support for Brexit, according to a pair of studies conducted by an international team of researchers.
These [personality traits] were right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation – the idea that one’s group needs to fight for superiority in the world.
The third is a particular focus of Dr Golec de Zavala’s research, a trait known as “collective narcissism” – a belief in the unparalleled greatness of one’s country.

The Independent

Josh Gabbatiss - Brexit strongly linked to xenophobia, scientists conclude


  1. As always these studies never ever look at what people’s prospects have been like the last decades. Everything have been just fine and dandy and one day someone politician comes along and say racist stuff and they believe it because society has been too good to them.

  2. I'm against extreme immigration too.

  3. When I moved to another province, no one called me a migrant.

    In the Maritimes, this term is used:
