

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Prosecutors say the recording of deceased convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s July 23 suicide attempt has gone missing.

Apparently, the authorities went mental when they found out that Epstein’s guards were asleep, so now they are in court, but the tape that monitored Epstein has gone now missing and there is no outcry. There was also another camera but that wasn't working.

Prosecutors say the recording of deceased convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s July 23 suicide attempt has gone missing. RT America’s Rachel Blevins reports. Then legal and media analyst Lionel dives in.


  1. They've been misplaced. You might find them next to Trump's tax returns.

  2. Actually, apparently the videos turned up a few hours later.
    It's looking like it's just a bunch of incompetent buffoons running the show there, so who knows what's going on.

  3. Which part of the surveillance video was unusable?
    The part where's he's mudered.

  4. Bob, yeah the cameras from the night he "was died" malfunctioned. But this article was about the previous "suicide" attempt, which apparently that video was found.
