

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Condivergence: Why standard finance theory is incomplete — Andrew Sheng

Mainstream finance theory suggests that money is the life blood of the real economy, helping to provide liquidity, means of payment, store of value, market price discovery and risk management, and reinforcing credit and governance discipline.
These basic functions appear as self-evident truths — logical, consistent and convincing. But the 2007 global financial crisis revealed that these four functions can only operate depending on at least five more key interrelated preconditions of stability. Change in any one element would destabilise money and finance. These are: law and institutions, technology, politics, social inequality and climate change.
Mentions MMT skeptically.

The Edge Markets
Condivergence: Why standard finance theory is incomplete
Andrew Sheng


  1. "suggests that money is the life blood of the real economy, helping to provide liquidity, means of payment, store of value, market price discovery and risk management, and reinforcing credit and governance discipline."

    ok here goes...

    "suggests that money is the life blood of the real economy," (figurative language blood metaphor)

    "helping to provide liquidity" (figurative language liquid metaphor)

    "means of payment" (ok....)

    "store of value" (reification)

    "market price discovery" (teleology)

    "and risk management" (stochasticism)

    "and reinforcing credit and governance discipline." (mis identifies regulation)
