

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Leith van Onselen - Fake left Guardian demands more low-wage migrants

The Guardian’s open borders fetish is a betrayal of the working class and plays straight into the hands of the neoliberal capitalists it purports to fight.

The economics is indisputable: continually increasing labour supply via immigration, and enabling employers to recruit workers from a global pool and to forgo training, necessarily reduces workers’ bargaining power and ergo wages growth.

Fake left Guardian demands more low-wage migrants

Leith van Onselen debates immigration on the Today Show

Immigration lowers wages in the UK and Australia 


  1. What’s particularly daft about low skill immigrants is that they require skilled people to work alongside them, supervise them etc, and that just means more skilled immigrants are needed. The net effect (mile above the head of the Guardian this) is simply an increase in the UK’s population. Doubtless much the same goes for some other countries.

    Given that the UK is one of the most densely populated countries in the World and given that the real cost of housing has trebbled over the last twenty years, and given the desperate scramble for somewhere to live, an increased population is the last thing the UK needs.

  2. The far left wants open borders. That is their genuine position. I'm surprised the Guardian is a far left publication.

  3. Kevin this IS the left position ... it’s not “fake”....

    It’s the same here in US...
