

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Gin and Tonic?

Video here produced by Bill Still with some anecdotal results of using Quinine (Tonic Water) and Zinc against the Wuhan virus:

Some more information here in this thread from Michael Savage using other substances to apparently dilate the virus cell membrane to allow Zinc into the virus:

Still says zinc is available thru consumption of red meat so if you are a vegan you should supplement with Zinc or here are some vegies with zinc... shitake mushrooms and green peas and Spinach top the list...


  1. Thanks, Matt. Lucky I bought some zinc, recently.

  2. Yeah but Kevin it appears the membrane aperatures are normally too small for whatever size the zinc molecule or zinc containing molecule is for it to pass thru the membrane in normal osmosis...

    So there is the Quinine or those 2 other substances Savage identifies to dilate the membrane...

    Hey thank your ancestors in the British Empire for coming up with the Quinine water which I guess they mixed with their Gin and then squeezed their limes into it ... British were called "limeys" to prevent scurvy...

    This is the origin of the Gin & Tonic cocktail... must have worked to keep them healthy they kicked ass and took names globally for decades...

  3. Compared to other armies, the British army was well fed on beef: "Eat like wolves, fight like devils."

    (Brw, problem with the German army was horrible hygiene. Don't believe me? Ask yourself, why did Rommel's soldiers spend more time in a sanitarium than on the battle field? Dirty, smelly bastards!)

    Lime is an excellent source of vitamin C. Sure, if you drink lime juice or eat lime you'll eventually rot your teeth (hence, the Brits lousy teeth), but, hey, no scurvy :)

    Sales of fish tank cleaner are soaring on amazon thanks to the orange orangutan. Truly, you Americans are so fucked :(
