

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Renegade Inc | Covid-19: Making markets scream!

A pretty scary episode of

Because of globalisation the world is very  interconnect, but most businesses have taken their supply chains for granted, say Mitch Feierstein and Alan Day. They say that coronavirus is likely to cause serious shortages of food, medicines, and even water, and lots of people may die as a result. The only hope, they say, is a vaccine, and fortunately, there are some in the pipeline, although they don't mention this.

The financier, Mitch Feierstein, and the entrepreneur, Alan Day, seem to be at the opposite end of the economics spectrum to MMT, which Feierstein describes as madness. So maybe they are wrong and governments will be able to do a lot more, especially if they adopt MMT.

The coronavirus has shut down factories and air travel globally. It’s shown us how brittle the world’s supply chains really are. 

But is it also being used to camouflage a decade of Central Banker’s monetary policy mistakes?

Host Ross Ashcroft is joined by the entrepreneur and CEO of State of Flux, Alan Day and author of Planet Ponzi, Mitch Feierstein to discuss how the coronavirus will affect the world’s supply chains.

RT UK is a channel based in London covering British news and politics, protests and interviews with people who make a difference.

1 comment:

  1. It’s not a matter of adopting MMT. As said many times before MMT is the lens you use to analyze the economy.
