

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The Dangerous Myth of 'Taxpayer Money' Raúl Carrillo and Jesse Myerson

Ends with a political rant, but the part about "taxpayer money" being public money in reality is correct.

The Dangerous Myth of 'Taxpayer Money'
Raúl Carrillo, practicing attorney and a director of The Modern Money Network and Jesse Myerson, an Indiana-based community organizer with Hoosier Action


  1. ”but by using the “taxpayer money” frame, they were spreading, however unwittingly, a racist, sexist, classist myth. ”


    That’s you guys explanation number one That’s you guys explanation number one the first one on the list! the first one on the list!

  2. Helicopter money is also public money.

  3. " Yet Republicans now control 68 state legislatures, 34 governorships, and nearly every facet of the federal government."

    68 state legislatures? or is he talking about the bicameral total?

    Or is this like when Obama said he visited all 54 states?

  4. "For me, money is a human ‘GOOD’ – like air, water, the earth and all of the microbes, minerals and precious stones in it "

    JR air is not a human good... water, etc...

    We humans didnt create any of that stuff...

    We DO however create our numismatic or in figurative language "money!" systems... and have FULL authority over them...

    We have authority to arrange/administer/operate our numismatic systems any way we want to...

  5. jr we just have to pay attention to our material needs a bit...

    Here is a scripture in figurative form of analogy describing this era:

    "I plant, Apollos irrigates, but God makes it grow up. " 1 Corinthians 3:6

    Without the planting and the irrigating there is no growing up...

    If you have f_ck up Platonist Art Degree morons running the planting operations and the irrigation operations then nothing is ever going to grow up...

    Its not even that hard to do if you have an interest and are trained and qualified.... just takes time and "money!"...

  6. Jr we’ll be ok eventually....

    They’ll do the fiscal as the veeeerrrrrrrrry last thing they do....

    After all possible libertarian approaches are tried and fail....

    And the virus part of it might be a big hoax anyway.... Still only about 700 deaths ... so far....

    Could be like a big white collar antifa riot... if the left can’t rule they always want to burn it all down.... same thing as with the climate nutters, etc... you have a bunch of coastal elite governors and mayors trying to burn the whole thing down ...

    Idt trump is going to let them get away with it.... maybe we open back up next week....unless deaths really spike...

  7. If the deaths dont ramp up pretty soon that will quickly become the popular perception... ie "hoax!"...

    In the US anyway... Trump probably has the immediate polling on this...

    This country wont stand for this if people dont soon start dropping dead...

    I give it about another week maybe 2...

  8. Anti-Trump media will be sure to document every death.

  9. So if the deaths don’t ramp up pretty soon it couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the considerable mitigation efforts?

    What you are saying is essentially “ You told us to stay home to prevent deaths , if we dont see enough deaths in next week or two we are going to stop listening to your suggestions”. You guys really are running a death cult aren’t you?

    Matt is the perfect example of the unscientific persons idea of a scientist.

    But at least he can do CB accounting accurately. One of those essential “material” needs.

  10. The death toll will be used as political fodder. This is just an observation, not a seal of approval...

