

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Jonathan Cook - Welcome to the era of the Great Disillusionment

A really good article by Jonathan Cook going into why many people believe conspiracy theories. After being lied to about Iraq and WMD, 9/11 - where the government wouldn't listen to people's concerns and extend the enquiry - and where we were told that neoliberalism would bring about a better, brighter future but we ended with something far worse instead, people just don't believe anything the establishment says anymore.

In the past, science has sometimes been distorted by commercial interests, and so 5g remains distrusted, despite the research saying it's okay.

Whenever a new technology comes along, conspiracy theories and fears go along with it, says Jonathan Cook.

I remember when it became fashionable for British pubs to have books in, not that anyone read them, and most were uninteresting second hand junk, picked up in bulk cheap somewhere. But my girlfriend and I once found one really great book which we would often read, while I got slowly inebriated. It was hundreds of years old, and in one chapter the doctor who wrote the book complained about tea.

Tea had just been approved for general use in the UK, but he said it contained caffeine, a powerful alkaloid drug, and he said that Britain had become a lawless place because it of it with crime skyrocketing among the youth. Society was breaking down, he bemoaned. His book was full of interesting stuff like that.

Jonathan Cook - Welcome to the era of the Great Disillusionment


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My sister-in-law the other day asked me if I had ever heard of this guy David Icke. She said that she watched some youtube video of this guy and he was talking some wild stuff about 5G networks. Then she asked me if I thought 5G networks were dangerous to our health.

    First, I said that the name David Icke sounded familiar and anyway he's obviously certifiably insane.

    Second, regarding 5G, I said "radiofrequency waves". If she had no worries of being exposed to visible light, then she shouldn't have any worries here. Then with a straight face [snicker] I mentioned how in the middle ages women in China would expose their naked bodies to the noon sun, you know, visible light, because they thought it rejuvenated their health. "Come to think of it, Mary, you do look a little pale -- maybe you could use a little bit of visible light :) "

    I think I need to have a serious talk with my brother :(

  3. Well here's a new conspiracy theory that very much reveals the very rotten state of the United Kingdom. The Chief Coroner trying to determine the prime cause of death of frontline medical staff who contracted the coronavirus and died of it most likely because of lack of adequate Personal Protective Equipment.

  4. Kevin,

    the "neo-liberal conspiracy" is #2 on you guys list...

    If you discount conspiracy theories, youre giving up 1/6 of your possible reasons...

    so its going to be down to:

    1. myth
    3. evolved from the apes by random chance
    4. superstition
    5 fantasy
    6. (I keep forgetting 6...)

    Youre going to be out of options...

  5. #2 was the "vast neoliberal conspiracy!"

    now that one is gone...

  6. “After being lied to about Iraq and WMD, 9/11 “

    Kevin, hate to break the news to you but those are actually conspiracy theories...

  7. ” you guys list..”

    It’s Matts list. So It’s false ascribing.
    Typical wannabe smart failure.

  8. #2 is Matt’s " neoliberal denial conspiracy hypothesis !".

    Also known as taking a dump.
