

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Op-ed: Pandemic moves Modern Monetary Theory from the fringes to actual US policy — Robert Greifeld

  • The total amount of government economic aid in response to the coronavirus downturn is expected to exceed $10 trillion.
  • Our actions today resemble Modern Monetary Theory, a belief that sovereign governments with sovereign currencies can “print” or “coin” money to support full employment or essentially any government program.
  • As we enter the post-pandemic world, do we stay with the MMT-based philosophy of spending, or do we transition to a philosophy that deficits are dangerous?
Op-ed: Pandemic moves Modern Monetary Theory from the fringes to actual US policy
Robert Greifeld


  1. This is ridiculous. Where is it policy? Powell ranting about the debt. Gov't loans to major corporations. This is not MMT.
