

Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Christian Right Becomes A Suicide Cult, by CJ Werleman

The US is now officially the global ground zero of the Coronavirus outbreak, with approximately 50,000 new cases and 1,000 deaths recorded daily – numbers that are growing exponentially each day. It was a reality painted in stark detail by the White House on Tuesday when it revealed a graph showing that it expects there to be a minimum of 100,000 to 240,000 American deaths from the virus within the coming months.


  1. Not exponential.

    Check out the logarithmic charts.
    Check the daily cases and deaths.
    Compare NY state to US total. Insane.

    100-120k looks likely.
    240k means there was a rapture :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well, the Old Testament prescribes quarantines but since it also prescribes:
    1) debt forgiveness
    2) no interest from fellow countrymen
    3) limits to land ownership
    4) rights of the poor
    5) etc, etc, etc.
    it must be ignored or dismissed. /sarc

    Poetic justice then if those who claim to revere the Bible but don't suffer the consequences of their hypocrisy?

  4. What does the Old Testament say about playing politics?
    Because that is what they're doing.

  5. “the Christian Right – which represents the largest group of voters in the country, with more than 80 million Americans describing themselves as “evangelical”.”

    Trump only got 62m votes....

  6. That means there are only 18 million evangelicals.

  7. no... it means that there is still some voter apathy to be corrected in the Evangelical cohort...

  8. this is what Trump is doing... if he can get another 2-3M of those people to the polls (vote for him) its over...

  9. Trump don’t need any more votes. Biden won’t make it as his brain is deteriorating quickly.

  10. Biden developing big #metoo problem....

    Said he denied the woman's accusations 27 years ago and never heard of this woman...

    Cant be both....
