

Monday, April 20, 2020

Zero Hedge It's Not Just Toilet Paper, Seed Shortages Spread As Locked-Down Americans Turn To Growing Their Own Food

Americans started buying 3M N95masks in mid-January, then non-perishables in February, followed by toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and guns.

Now apparently, plant seeds are the next big thing…
Zero Hedge
It's Not Just Toilet Paper, Seed Shortages Spread As Locked-Down Americans Turn To Growing Their Own Food
Tyler Durden


  1. ” and guns”

    Shoot that virus down!

  2. And the next big thing is also issuing death threats to public health officials working in local government! Guess who's been green-lighting them!

  3. Nazi governor of Michigan preventing the sale of seeds....

    Big recall petition growing up there...


  5. Growing your own food is a positive trend.

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  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Tom… reading that the US Congress is about to pass the next small business loan aid package. Senate Minority Leader Schumer was on CNN this morning saying that what remains is "dotting the i's and crossing the t's." Has any money been set aside for Nevada's brothels, Tom? Asking for a MAGA friend?

    OK, some Tuesday morning humour from the always-funny-in-the-most-stupid-way-imaginable Bill Mitchell (Host of YourVoice™ America, #MAGAfool):

    Bill Mitchell@mitchell

    Interesting that ActBlue raised an average donation of $30.38.

    This would imply people are donating in uneven numbers, including pennies, which would be odd. OR it would indicate untraceable foreign donations and an exchange rate translation, which would be illegal.

    Not being mean, here, but the above was an example of MAGA math ;) #MAGAmath

    PS Did you people notice how I cleverly inserted a pun? :)
