

Friday, May 8, 2020

Bailout Watch

Continuing our new feature ...

The "neoliberal conspiracy!" continues apace...  here's another big corporate bailout this week for all of you Johnny One Note "bailout!" morons:


  1. Misconceptions of what neoliberal and conspiracy is. Major fail.

  2. I was going to say that this is like Neiman Marcus taking a page out of Trump's bankruptcy playbook, but that would have been disingenuous. You see, unlike Trump, Neiman Marcus did not borrow lots of money from banks, steal said money, then file for bankruptcy.


  3. [off topic... or maybe not -- Detroit did file for bankruptcy a few years back, did they not?)]

    I think this tweet should win today's twitter:

    NOTSportsCenter@NOTSportsCenter 18h

    Full Lions schedule leaked

    Wk1: Loss
    Wk2: Loss
    Wk3: Moral Victory
    Wk4: Loss
    Wk5: Loss
    Wk6: Loss
    Wk7: Bye (Loss)
    Wk8: Accidental win
    Wk9: Loss
    Wk10: Moral Victory
    Wk11: Loss
    Wk12: Loss
    Wk13: Win no one expects
    Wk14: Loss
    Wk15: Loss
    Wk16: Loss
    Wk17: Win that ruins draft position
