

Thursday, May 21, 2020

RT — ‘We’ll spend you into oblivion’: US nuclear envoy reveals ‘negotiating’ tactic for New START, last arms control deal with Russia

Trump goes full Reagan.

Apparently the US doesn't realize that the real cost is in terms of real resources rather than units of account for countries that issue their own currencies. Or maybe it does and wants to force China to drop its dollar peg like Russia.

Whatever, it's nutty. Kind of like declaring that the US is staying in Syria to create a quagmire for Russia.

Where are the grownups?

Oh, and did I mention that the latest talking point is the Social Security is running out of funding soon so that the program needs to be cut.

‘We’ll spend you into oblivion’: US nuclear envoy reveals ‘negotiating’ tactic for New START, last arms control deal with Russia

See also

Sputnik International
US Militarizing Space, Exiting Treaties in ‘Historical Miscalculation’ to Stay Hegemon


Ray Dalio concerned.

Zero Hedge
"Revolutions And Wars": What According To Ray Dalio Comes After "Printing Money"
Tyler Durden


  1. “ Ray Dalio concerned.”

    LOL so what?

  2. The elites don't like nukes since they are vulnerable to them too.

    Otoh, conventional war allows them to sacrifice millions in comfort and safety as in WWI and WWII.

  3. “ conventional war allows them to sacrifice millions ”

    Those days are over too AA... just like the OT ...

    Get with the times... adjustments are always being made...

  4. Somethings are timeless, Franko, including the need for justice.

    As for the OT, "Heaven and Earth shall pass away but My words shall never pass away" Matthew 24:35

    In case you haven't noticed, Christ speaks in the OT too.

  5. Yo how do you think justice happens?

    Justice is imposed thru adjustment and correction...

  6. Here

    “Department of Corrections”

    Where do you think they get the name?

  7. "Oh, and did I mention that the latest talking point is the Social Security is running out of funding soon so that the program needs to be cut."

    No, you didn't. You also didn't mention that your government is planning to STOP new unemployment benefits. I can't say I am not disappointed in you, Tom ;)

    Book suggestions:

    -- The Great Influenza: The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History – October 4, 2005 by John M. Barry

    -- Bushwhacking on a Grand Scale: The Battle of Chickamauga, September 18-20, 1863 (Emerging Civil War Series) – September 19, 2013 by William Lee White

    Also searching for Madame Turchin's Civil War diary. If anyone here can help, I'd greatly appreciate :)

  8. Justice is imposed thru adjustment and correction... Franko

    It isn't justice when Warren Buffet could buy up a good chunk of Nebraska when so many citizens are homeless or rent-slaves.

    And adjust and correct to what if you don't even know where you should be going, e.g. "It is written [in the Old Testament], 'Man does not live by bread alone but by EVERY word that comes from the mouth of God'" (Matthew 4:4) ?

  9. “It isn't justice when Warren Buffet could buy up a good chunk of Nebraska when so many citizens are homeless or rent-slaves.“

    Yo its not illegal activity...

  10. Yo, unlimited ownership of land is contrary to the Bible, e.g. Leviticus 25.

  11. That method didn’t work... they killed Him anyway... make the correction already...

  12. All you are defending Franko is “He who makes the rules gets to determine what justice is”...... not even an interesting view, pretty pathetic.
