

Monday, May 25, 2020

Russian researchers test coronavirus vaccine on THEMSELVES, team leader says they now have antibodies

The anti-vax, Covid-19, 5g, Bill Gates depopulation conspiracists say they would never take a vaccine. Many tell me I can have their one. But these scientists felt perfectly safe injecting themselves with a new vaccine they had developed.

Scientists in Russia have carried out the first unofficial trial of a Covid-19 vaccine – and they say it’s effective. Epidemiologists in Moscow took the unorthodox step of injecting themselves and examining their own results.

Russian researchers test coronavirus vaccine on THEMSELVES, team leader says they now have antibodies


  1. Nice post. We keep on hearing these good news scientific stories, from Russia, from Cuba, from China, from Germany, etc.

    I wonder if anyone has created a summary of all this.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That's just it, MR, they're just stories.

    Dr. William Haseltine (Harvard, known for work on HIV) was on Anderson Cooper's show last night giving a much-needed reality check on all these feel-good stories regarding the vaccine "breakthroughs" we hear so much on the news. As he made crystal clear, they're just stories. He talked about how difficult the work on vaccines is, and that it's not a question of when we have a vaccine for Covid-19 but if we ever will.

    He also mentions that vaccines don't work very well for the elderly, and that should be a big concern because they are the most vulnerable to die from it. (just like there is cognitive impairment as we age, there is also immunity impairment, or immunity dementia if you wish)

    He also stressed that even though the disease mostly kills the elderly, about 20% of all infected, regardless of age, suffer chronic health conditions... like being on a kidney dialysis machine for life. In other words, we're still in deep shit :(

    Finally, he stresses the Chinese model.


    This Week in Virology (TWiV), (episode (#617), is highly recommended for anyone here wanting a better understanding about the different types of Covid-19 testing (re. PCR testing, serology testing, antigen testing, sensitivity, specificity, etc):

    Dr. Daniel Griffin provides a clinical update on COVID-19, then we review TETRIS by Paterson NJ, modeling the effects of intervention in the US on cases and deaths, mixing PCR and serology data, and much more, including listener email.

    Stick around for the listener email -- much to learn from the questions and answers :)

  4. This should have been in italics:

    Dr. Daniel Griffin provides a clinical update on COVID-19, then we review TETRIS by Paterson NJ, modeling the effects of intervention in the US on cases and deaths, mixing PCR and serology data, and much more, including listener email.

    no way I was going to delete the comment, again, and repost :)

  5. Only vaccine I'll take is one that reverses the aging process.

  6. In the meantime, I'll keep on enjoying my Peter Pan syndrome . . . : )
