

Friday, June 26, 2020

RT — India Blocks Imports of US Products Made in China Following Deadly Border Clash

India decoupling from China.

India Blocks Imports of US Products Made in China Following Deadly Border Clash

See also

India has long been well-known for its endemic corruption. Now sectarian nationalism is rearing its ugly head in the land of the rishis.

India has neither recovered from the British Raj nor has it yet discovered how to do this As a result it remains in a colonial state with the elite now looking to the American Empire to save it from itself before it implodes.

Capitalism and the Throttling of Democracy in India
Colin Todhunter


Sputnik International
‘Did China Encroach Our Land?’ India’s Congress Nudges Prime Minister Modi Over Ladakh Conflict


  1. Poor India... about to be broken?

  2. Anyone that opposes CCP hegemony and Xi's manifest destiny, + indo pac points. If they are a democracy they get extra Indo-Pac points. If they are leftist/labor/progressives, lose IP points. If they are capitalist ++ IP points. If they are conservative, democracy and capitalist, Indo-pac Love at first sight.
