

Friday, June 26, 2020

Why I Voted for "The Russian Amendment" to the Russian Constitution — Anatoly Karlin

Backgrounder by a self-identified "nationalist."

The Unz Review
Why I Voted for "The Russian Amendment" to the Russian Constitution
Anatoly Karlin

See also

While I support the right not to be discriminated against based on age, sexual preference, gender, ethnicity, etc., I think it is overreach for one entity to attempt to impose its values on another, which is a continual bone of contention between liberalism and traditionalism.

The historical dialectic between liberalism and traditionalism is one of the dominant theme of this age. Each society will have to handle it in its own way and at its own pace for the process to be relatively peaceful.

The Vineyard of the Saker
US Ambassador posts a message to the Russian people
The Saker


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