

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Zero Hedge — As 3 US Carriers Patrol Western Pacific, Chinese Analysts Warn US-China Stumbling Toward War

No less than two new separate reports in The South China Morning Post are warning of a coming US-China military conflict, saying the prospect is now higher than ever given that amid a rising number of naval incidents, including a recent near-collision incident, communication channels used for deconfliction have fallen silent.
The observation is based in large part on new studies by China's National Institute for South China Sea showing a steep drop-off in intergovernmental communications channels between the two sides....
Zero Hedge
As 3 US Carriers Patrol Western Pacific, Chinese Analysts Warn US-China Stumbling Toward War
Tyler Durden

Also at Zero Hedge

Pentagon Produces List Of 20 Chinese Firms 'Backed By China's Military'

F-35 Stealth Jets "Elephant Walk" In Japan Amid Rising Sino-US Trade Tensions

See also

Trump national security adviser compares Xi Jinping to Josef Stalin
Daniel Lippman


  1. Normally, you shout "squirrel!" when in need of a distraction. What term do they use in the Navy... "dolphin!" "whale!" or "red herring" ?

    A hot war is not a cold war is not a skirmish.

  2. Zero Sense should be the name of that blog.
