

Monday, July 20, 2020

China’s Economy – and Globalization – A Look into the Future — Patrice de Bergeracpas

The last six months, governments around the world have almost unilaterally committed an auto-destruction of their socioeconomic fabric and collectively of the global economy. It may never return to the “normal” of the times before COVID. That, per se, may not be a bad omen, though, as our pre-corona existence – especially in the west – was everything else but an ethical “normal”....
 Anti-neoliberal screed. The tide is turning against neoliberal globalization and totalitarian capitalism, which is showing its fascist face. The tide was already turning slowly but now the pace has picked up.

The future is still highly uncertain through, since the trend is still dominated by the pandemic in most of the world. The entire world order was already in flux, and the pandemic is bringing many issues to a head, and the old system is creaking under the stress.

China, which has confronted it aggressively, is an exception. Research by Cary Wu,
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, York University, Canada, suggests that the Chinese people support government and action policy on this issue. His study is based on a survey.

The Greanville Post
China’s Economy – and Globalization – A Look into the Future
Patrice de Bergeracpas


  1. China is hardly the exception. Several Asian countries were prepared and contained the outbreak. New Zealand and Australia escaped the worst of it, although you wouldn't know it from all the fear mongering.

  2. "New Zealand and Australia escaped the worst of it,"

    I'd reserve judgement on that until the Flu season has passed without a flair up. Every other nation on earth is following a lagged seasonal respiratory disease curve. Hence the peak in the tropics at the moment.
