

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Has anything changed since 1840? Trade, imperialism, Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta megacity — Aidan O'Brien

 Must-read backgrounder on China and Hong Kong in relation to the West and how the game has changed in China's favor.

MR Online
Has anything changed since 1840? Trade, imperialism, Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta megacity
Aidan O'Brien


  1. "And China’s 1840 DNA? Unlike Hong Kong, China has changed beyond recognition. The Pearl River Delta Megacity is proof of this. And so too is China’s 2020 National Security Law. Being abruptly denied the right to politically interfere in Hong Kong is a humiliation for London and Washington. China’s decision to checkmate western subterfuge is the culmination of a successful developmental model. One that’s global in scope rather than western-centric."

    This is craven pro-Beijing propaganda.

  2. Or projection on the part of self-loathing westerners.
