

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Norman Häring How our governments got to promise to promote and protect US digital companies

 The new NWO (New World Order)
The US government has founded the G20 group comprising of the most important economic nations. It plays a key role in setting its agenda. US corporations dominate the World Economic Forum and the most important international industry associations and regulators. If they all work together to take advantage of a global crisis, the result is an almost bizarre self-commitment by governments to fulfill the wishes of the corporations.

The World Economic Forum, the World Bank and the US development agency US-Aid have set up a variety of programs to connect less developed countries to the US-controlled Internet. The desired control and commercial accessibility of all people even in the remotest and poorest corners of the world is elegantly disguised by the unsuspicious sounding term “Bridging the Digital Divide.”

As no good crisis should go to waste, the Corona Pandemic is currently being used to push forward the digital agenda with all might. Any and all diplomatic possibilities that a government of global leadership has are being employed. And the influence of its digital companies has come to full bloom....
Conspiracy theory? Norman Häring is not a conspiracy theorist.

Another reason that the US is so intent on shutting out Huawei.

Blog by Norman Häring
How our governments got to promise to promote and protect US digital companies


  1. The attempted banning of Huawei is embarrassing. Credit must go to the Trump administration. Let them own it.

  2. Can’t trust the foreign firms:
