

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Sputnik — Germany Disbands Elite Army Unit With ‘Toxic Leadership Culture’ Amid Far-Right Sympathy Uptick

Sputnik International (Germany?)
Germany Disbands Elite Army Unit With ‘Toxic Leadership Culture’ Amid Far-Right Sympathy Uptick

Fast Company (You decide.)
New Trump campaign tee says America First, but Nazi symbol is front and center
Lily Smith

OpEdNews (The founding fathers also cautioned about keeping a standing army in peace time.)
Hong Kong Reminds Us of Ike's Warning
Jacob Hornberger

Activist Post
SWAT Team Blows Up Family’s Home in Search of a SHOPLIFTER—Supreme Court Says So What
Matt Agorist

1 comment:

  1. One of the main objectives of these dreadful “far right” people is to prevent the Islamisation of Europe. But wait: Islam itself advocates a whole string of “far right” policies. E.g. it tends to advocate restrictions on free speech, in particular restrictions on the right to criticise Islam. Second, Muslims tend to be homophobic. Third, women are treated as second class citizens in Muslims countries. I could go on.

    All in all, it’s not entirely clear which lot are “far right”, is it?
