

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Lindsey Metrus - Turns Out Drinking Too Much Green Tea Can Be Seriously Harmful

I knew about this and only drink one or two mugs of green tea a day, but I might have to cut back to one as they are large mugs.

But it turns out there can be too much of a good thing in this case. For some, drinking excess amounts of green tea can lead to iron deficiency—and for one 16-year-old, drinking three cups of green tea per day as part of a weight-loss plan led to herb-induced hepatitis—yikes! To find out why these things can happen, we chatted with NYC-based nutritionist Jennifer Maeng and NYC-based gastroenterologist Niket Sonpal. Keep reading to learn why they say drinking large amounts of green tea can be harmful


Turns Out Drinking Too Much Green Tea Can Be Seriously Harmful


  1. You're British, you have to drink tea.

  2. K, it goes all the way to the ancient Greeks: "Moderation is best"

    Also, keep in mind that teas are pesticide sponges, so keep the sips to a minimum.

    One more also :)

    The good quality teas are kept for the natives themselves. What we get is mostly the leftover stock that barely passes for tea (more like fancy grass/weeds). This is especially true for Japanese teas.

    Let me see if I have anymore "alsos" ...

    Oh yes -- when a food product/beverage becomes too popular, then it is best to avoid.

  3. "You're British, you have to drink tea."

    Black tea, not green.
