

Monday, September 21, 2020

Zero Hedge — "Paper Gold No Longer As Important" - BofA Finds Physical Demand Now Key To Gold Prices

Going to gold.

Zero Hedge
"Paper Gold No Longer As Important" - BofA Finds Physical Demand Now Key To Gold Prices
Tyler Durden


  1. "BofA finds physical demand now key."

    Really? That's what they pay these people for? It's always been key.

  2. Right Mike

    On a related but slightly tangential note;
    It always leaves me shaking my head when some people talk about returning to a gold standard while also suggesting they could do this and NOT have a guaranteed way for a citizen to exchange their cash for gold on demand. What have you accomplished if you say your money is “backed “ by gold but you don’t give the average guy the choice of holding gold or fiat?
    No serious gold standard person would accept a situation like that. If they do they aren’t capable of thinking it through and shouldn’t be taken seriously.

  3. It’s the completely filled d bands that gets them every time...

    “In the case of a completely filled outer 𝑑-shell (i.e. in the case of copper, silver, and gold), this screening is most efficient and the reason why these metals are noble. “

    They just can’t resist a completely filled d band..,

  4. It's a reflection on how unjust the current fiat creation/banking model is that a return to the dog's vomit of a Gold Standard is even considered.

  5. In post collapse, we may move to a Dried Fig Standard.
