

Saturday, October 24, 2020


Democrat morons all over the place reifying the figurative language and think they are real coyotes....  Same cognitive error  we see the econo-morons do with the figure of speech “money!” all the time.... 

When you employ figurative language as part of your dialogic method and the recipient does not understand it, the default mode is reification.... ie the recipient is left to think that the figurative is literal... 

Dialogic method is manifestly inferior...

Oh... and btw...  CHECKMATE.... AGAIN...  for like the 1,000th time here...


  1. Oh... and btw... CHECKMATE.... AGAIN... for like the 1,000th time here

    WHAT! !? We’ve played you in 1000 chess games and been check mated in all of them!!!? Drop your Schlick Matt, you are sounding dumber and dumber by the day

    It’s not close to the same level of error that people make about munnie. There are actual physical representations of money that people hold in their hands and use daily, and people know that there are some that are counterfeit. People understand that the govt can create suitcases full of bills and send them to people to curry favors. People know that munnie makes the modern world go around. They may not all understand the intricacies of CB operations or appreciate how interest rates are not under the control of govt bond traders or how the CBs own rules often create the fragile banking conditions they are trying to fight but we all know money is important to life in modern world and we know that far too few people have far too much control of our economy.

    Even if everyone had your level of understanding of the monetary system there would still be political decisions to be made about how and where to use our physical resources...... that is the BIG problem

  2. “there would still be political decisions to be made about how and where to use our physical resources.“

    Yo that’s what you use the dialogic methodology for..,, Helllloooooo!!!!

  3. Look at the thing with Pavlina on the show with Cuban...

    She’s there to have a dialogic exchange on whether to have a JG policy or not... and Cuban is there to have a Scientific technical review on the technical details of the program...

    Both operating under the different methodologies and its ofc a nothing burger out of it..,

    The different methodologies exist towards different PURPOSE....

    if you got all the purpose-ignorant Darwin wax out of your ears maybe you’d understand this...,

  4. Cuban was there to listen to the sound of his own voice... it worked for him.

  5. Actually, the error was that of the person who used figure language and confused the issue. The person should have been more scientific. Of course, the lady receiving the communication didn't understand what he was talking about since he didn't actually say. Noise obscured the signal.

  6. “The person should have been more scientific.“

    Not very entertaining Tom...

  7. Also Tom it ended up working towards trumps purpose which can be broken down into 3 parts:

    1. Get re-elected


    2. Get re-elected

    And last but not least

    3. Get re-elected...

    Provided opportunity for Democrats to look even more stupid than they are...,


  8. Imagine the laugh that will be had when Trump flees the country to avoid prosecution...

  9. Not very entertaining Tom...



  10. She’s there to have a dialogic exchange on whether to have a JG policy or not... and Cuban is there to have a Scientific technical review on the technical details of the program...

    So when technical details are given, since there is no actual operating program to measure outcomes or evaluate efficacy, all that needs to be said is “I dont believe that will work” and we are back at square one. Pavlinas part HAS TO happen first and the work has been done over decades,using all the macro metrics that the econ profession has said need to be considered, and they have a strong case that using an employment buffer stock is more stable macro economically than an unemployment bufferstock. The argument is between guaranteeing an income or guaranteeing a job (which comes with an income) We KNOW we can guarantee either one. People like Cuban can NEVER see any evidence that it will work. They can always have a question. Everyone outside of the right wing nut jobs (many are elected representatives) knows we need either a BIG or a JG. One or the other is coming in next couple years

    No man dreamed of flying until he had seen a bird in the air. Prior to that everything he had seen on earth fell to the ground after it was lifted off the ground. When the first bird flew over the first man THEN he started looking for ways he could maybe do that too, but he had to know that some things do soar through the air and figure out HOW next.

  11. I wouldn’t maybe be so hard on Cuban it didn’t look like it was moderated very well...

    He may not have been fully told what the purpose of the meeting was... so he just went into his standard Shark Tank schtick....

    That’s why you have to get people like Tom involved (highly trained in Philosophy) ... (he has a PhD in Philosophy from Georgetown that is like the ‘MIT for Philosophy). coordinate meetings like that... then they become productive..,

    Establish purpose... maintain methodology... manage methodological transitions... etc.,,

  12. “Pavlinas part HAS TO happen first “


  13. Then once the results come out of that dialogic process you have to turn it over to the science people for implementation...

    Not have the same unqualified dialogic people be put in charge of the implementation... you do that and you are going to eventually blow yourselves up...

  14. Then once the results come out of that dialogic process you have to turn it over to the science people for implementation

    Yes. The dialogic process is the political debate that is supposed to inform the electorate. When a policy is decided upon, written up as a bill, and voted into law, then the relevant experts in the various fields should be the ones that implement it. This is usually accompanied with oversight to ensure that it done correctly and the funds used properly, etc.

    This is how things are supposed to work.

    One problem is quality of the debate in the dialogic process. Since it is political, there is often more "heat than light."

    In addition, it is difficult to inform an electorate of the issues when they are complicated or involve expert knowledge. A more highly educated electorate is needed in a technological age than exists at present.

    In fact, this is a reason there is push for increasing technocracy over democracy, and that argument does have some merit.

  15. There was a moderator of sorts at that discussion. About as useful as a WWF referee...

  16. “ all that needs to be said is “I dont believe that will work”

    In a dialogic process yes that’s why you can’t use it at that point.,, no one operating in a scientific methodology would say something like that... everyone there knows what is technically possible...

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. The learning process (i.e. teacher/student) does not work that way.

  19. The learning process (i.e. teacher/student) does not work that way

    What way are you referring to?

    There really isn’t one way that the learning process happens. There are many ways of learning and no one utilizes only o e way every time
    Sometimes you can read about something and learn it adequately, other times you might need to read and then discuss with someone else who can help illuminate and stil other things take seeing something physical, like a demonstration before you have learned it. What many of us refer to as learning is really just memorization of something which with some things is all you need to “learn” them (certain historical facts e.g)
    I know personally that having a discussion, hearing a lecture is better for some things than reading the exact same paragraphs, not sure why but hearing it sticks better than reading it, even though there is an “inner hearing” going on without my ears when reading. Maybe I don’t like the sound of my “brain voice”

  20. “There are many ways of learning“

    They are not equivalent....

  21. Who can listen to that interview and conclude that anything was learned by Cuban?

    He wasn't there to learn...

  22. Nix the idea that that was an interview or discussion - it was a debate.

  23. No he was there to test and interrogate.., that’s what technical management does at project/program reviews....

    He is on this time filler show Shark Tank on cable at night that’s all that goes on there they have people come on and make a proposal for a new business idea and he and the other muckety mucks interrogate them..,

    What he learns is how much the presenter has thought their idea thru.,,

    iow the show is not about whether there should be a show shark tank in the first place... the decision to have the show was already made and the network execs have decided probably thru some sort of dialogic method that they should produce the show.,,

    Then it is turned over to technical/scientific people to produce and direct....

  24. “A more highly educated electorate is needed“

    Well Tom how stupid and uneducated are these typically dumb as usual Democrats here who think actual coyotes are bringing in the Mexicans?

    One time I think it was Ralph ... Ralph said “he’s taking the piss... ” ... I never heard that before either but immediately could recognize that as figurative language and looked it up on wiki.., I didn’t think for even one moment Ralph was asserting the guy was urinating...

    Why is that?

  25. Shark Tank is reflecting a cultural narrative whereby successful businessfolks are anointed masters of the universe. In reality, they got lucky.

    Why is Windows the dominant operating system for PCs?
    They were the first to arrive in the market.

    Microsoft Corp. is the most creatively challenged, technically incompetent business on the planet. But it doesn't matter because they were first, and now we get to live with their legacy.

    The Mark Cubans of this world deserve a lot less attention than they get.

  26. I’ve never watched more than a few seconds of the show...

    I never watched a second of trumps show either but it was the #1 show on television...

  27. And there is the culture a job guarantee is to introduced into... it will be pecked to death by these business celebrities and their fans.


  28. Well Tom how stupid and uneducated are these typically dumb as usual Democrats here who think actual coyotes are bringing in the Mexicans?

    Way more intelligent than the Q Anon Republicans ( which is becoming the whole party) who think that there are Democratic lawmakers who are kidnapping children and eating them for their blood.
    My wife had never heard the term coyote before and was quite puzzled when Trump blurted that out during debate. I told her what he meant but it is Trump who did openly wonder if bleach or Lysol could be injected somehow into humans. It’s not beyond comprehension that some GOP sheriff on the border would claim he’s found that Obama Democrats are training coyotes to bring babies across the border and place them in cages,” it’s not Trump policies! He’s trying to save the children!!”

    All learning that takes you to the answer is equivalent.

  29. “ Trump who did openly wonder if bleach or Lysol could be injected somehow into humans.”

    He was referring to UV light as the disinfectant... they briefed him on a technique back at the beginning where they were illuminating the ventilator tubing with disinfecting UV-C as it was inserted in some patient’s respiratory systems...

    “ My wife had never heard the term coyote before and was quite puzzled”

    I’m sure she didn’t think they were real....

    These people who thought they were real should be investigated....

  30. “ All learning that takes you to the answer is equivalent”

    What if you are trying to learn a process and not an answer?

    Like the difference between a stock and a flow ...

    Not everything in life is multiple choice..,, sometimes you have to actually figure things out.,,,

  31. He was referring to UV light as the disinfectant... they briefed him on a technique back at the beginning where they were illuminating the ventilator tubing with disinfecting UV-C as it was inserted in some patient’s respiratory systems

    HA HA! Riiiiiiiiight. You are so full of shit. We heard what he said. Even giving you the maximum amount of leeway he was totally addled and clearly didn’t know wtf he was talking about. He doesn’t know when to keep his fucking mouth shut and people have to go behind him and cover for him..... except to his blinkered followers who would put guns to their own heads if asked ....... to prove they’re not pussies. He paid as much attention to that briefing as he does to national security briefings.

    Wtf do you see in that guy......... oh wait ...... he personifies every gripe mediocre white males have .... fuck Title IV..... fuck the Me too movement ..... fuck police brutality . Guys who can only stay ahead in their minds if women and minorities are constantly reminded of their place........ but even though he is mediocre at all the the things he wishes he was good at like golf and running a business he is really good at convincing other mediocre whites guys (and some gals) he’s exceptional .... I will give him that.

    What if you are trying to learn a process and not an answer?

    Doesn’t matter, whatever way you learn the process is equivalent. I have learned many processes by just listening to a lecture about a new process and simply applying it. Some learn it by doing the process. Probably has to do with how ingrained the process is to begin with. Someone who has done something a thousand times can easily alter process by one step slightly, while someone else might need to actually see someone do it and do it a couple times themselves before they totally get it.... even if to an outside observer both people could demonstrate competence with the process. There are things that I make look easier than other people and vice versa but we are equally competent.
    My point was primarily that it does t matter how you get there, just get there. Can some techniques maybe help shorten the time it takes to learn? Absolutely. Your original comment was pertaining to dialogue not being part of scientific method and that is patently false

    You seem to think that physicists were only “doing science” once they went to the linear accelerator and started getting data on their experimaental results.....prior to that they were just doing philosophy or something

  32. He’s more competent than Biden... you only get to choose between the two of them at this point lol....

  33. “ dialogue not being part of scientific method ”

    No I’m not... I’m saying they are both formalized methodologies being employed in the academe and the one (science methodology) is superior to the other (dialogic methodology) as applied to matters of material systems administration and management...

    The problems were having with the whole “out of money!” cohort today is due to their exclusive reliance and application of their dialogic methodology...

  34. More competent at what?

    We can’t bribe or bluster or sue our way out of this. Those are Trumps only tools. He is a total POS.

    Trump is a BOSS.... we need leadership. Leaders go with you, bosses send you off on errands,for them.

  35. More competent at administration and management... which is the job of the chief executive of our government institution ...

    Biden can’t remember what day it is..,

  36. So a chief executive of our government institutions isn’t a leader?

    What does chief executive mean? Why do we need a chief executive if we don’t need leaders?

  37. There an executive branch, a legislative branch, a judicial branch, and brunch.
