

Monday, October 26, 2020

Endless Versions of You in Endless Parallel Universes? A Growing Number of Physicists Embrace the Idea.

The Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics holds that reality is constantly splitting.

Conventionally speaking, there is a single physicist named Sean Carroll at Caltech, busily puzzling over the nature of the quantum world. In the theoretical sense, though, he may be one of a multitude, each existing in its own world. And there’s nothing unique about him: Every person, rock, and particle in the universe participates in an endlessly branching reality, Carroll argues, splitting into alternate versions whenever an event occurs that has multiple possible outcomes.


  1. Millions of Matt Frankos...the horror!

  2. Not enough universes to find a parking spot.

  3. “ Millions of Matt Frankos...the horror!”

    Yes your worst nightmare!

    See where your Art Degree takes you????

  4. Gawd, Franko, yer such an Incel...

    ...and I don't have an Art Degree, tho I did fuck a number of Art School Girls in my misspent youth. 😘😘😘

  5. “ and I don't have an Art Degree,”

    I’d have that assertion audited. :p

  6. I didn't go to university. I went to the School of Hard Knockers. 😉
