

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Scientists Predict Birthrates, Marriage, Gender Roles Will Change Dramatically in Post-Pandemic World — University of California - Los Angeles

As marriage rates plummet and people postpone reproduction in a virus-plagued world, some nations’ populations will shrink and fall precipitously below “replacement level,” the authors write. These birthrate drops, in turn, can have cascading social and economic consequences, affecting job opportunities, straining the ability of countries to provide a safety net for their aging populations and potentially leading to global economic contraction.…

Economic growth is correlated with population growth. 

Scientists Predict Birthrates, Marriage, Gender Roles Will Change Dramatically in Post-Pandemic World
University of California - Los Angeles

See also
Two researchers claim that a single number they call the “political stress indicator” can warn when societies are at risk of erupting into violence. It’s spiking in the US, just like it did before the Civil War.
The way it is stacking up, neither side will accept the legitimacy of the election if it loses. This undermines the legitimacy of the state. In as large and influential a country as the US, this has implications for the world system as the world system and the world order also are challenged.


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Americans are frantically buying military gear before the election
Rachel Schallom

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