

Friday, October 30, 2020

Tom Fowdy - It's time for Europe to stop blaming China for COVID-19 and learn

 China bit the bullet, so now Covid is almost over, where outbreaks are soon brought back under control by taking swift and decisive action, which works to be far cheaper and less disruptive in the long run.

Thus, the answer is European governments must be tougher whether their populations. Like it or not, it will be for their own good. Otherwise, this will never end. Not everything can be the same as China of course, but they should pursue aggressive political mobilization and force a "whole of society" approach to COVID-19, copying China's methods of making testing mandatory for the populations of entire impacted areas, enforcing uncompromising lockdowns on impacted suburbs and relying on preemptive strategies, than waiting until the last moment.

Ultimately, this lenient approach and fixation on classical liberty, believing the public will take adequate precautions themselves, has failed an entire continent, enormously not just once, but twice.


Tom Fowdy - It's time for Europe to stop blaming China for COVID-19 and learn


  1. How do they know the new positives are not just a typical seasonal increase in common cold corona type virus?

  2. Joseph Goebbels would be proud of this article.

  3. "How do they know the new positives are not just a typical seasonal increase in common cold corona type virus?"

    Bingo! And don't forget to mention that it's now official -- the Covid-19 pandemic has ended. Don't be fooled by the increase in hospitalizations, deaths and other similar evidentiary metrics.
