

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Apple moving iPad production from China to Vietnam for the first time ever, reports say — James Crump

So much for jobs coming back to the US. And Indonesia has even come online line as far as cheap labor goes. And in the background are Latin America and Africa.

I don't see "capitalism" being transformed into something that is clearly not "capitalism" before the whole world is developed economically. Of course, there are many varieties of capitalism in addition to classical economic liberalism and contemporary neoliberalism, and neoliberalism is beginning to collapse of its own weight.

The Independent
Apple moving iPad production from China to Vietnam for the first time ever, reports say
James Crump


  1. Made in Vietnam, sold in China. Good for Apple, irrelevant for the American people.

  2. So Apple’s moving from commie to commie.
    IKEA used to have forced labor (political prisoners) in DDR doing stuff for them. Way to go capitalists!

  3. As cheap as prison labor in the US.

  4. “ So Apple’s moving from commie to commie. ”

    Good point...,
