

Monday, November 16, 2020

Sputnik — 2021 is Going to Be Even Worse Than 2020 as UN Warns of 'Multiple Famines of Biblical Proportions'



  1. Aptly enough, I've stocked up on Canadian canned sardines. Easily good for 6 months!

    Famine fears? No. I really like sardines, plus they the have the added benefit of packing a nutritional punch: protein, omega-3s, and easily your daily requirement of Vitamin D (forget the vitamin D tablets because they're not regulated so who knows what the contain, especially since they, like ALL vitamins and supplements, are made in China).

    And I always stock up when they're half price -- less than a Canadian dollar (what's that 75 cents US?) for a can. Can't beat that :)

    PS: ... and always with a touch of olive oil and lemon ;)

  2. Strangely enough, I've had a craving for sardines since my early 20s.
