

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Vice - The Pregnant Doc Telling the Truth About COVID-19 | Informer

 This isn't Russia or China, this is happening in the UK. This doctor risked her life everday because there was insufficient PPE, and what there was was out of date. When she complained, she was threatened and her social media accounts were spied upon on. Hospital managers and consultants are saying nothing to please the government, she says. 

“There have been a lot of errors in the pandemic and it’s cost human lives.”

As the coronavirus pandemic spread throughout the population, hospitals became overrun with patients. The lack of personal protective equipment meant that doctors, nurses and other staff risked their lives in order to save others. A doctor, who was pregnant during the pandemic, explains the chaos within the NHS, why she was forced to quit and how it was coveredup


  1. True, Matt. And sadly you Americans are even worse off.

    Good day for golf today.

  2. Texas inmates paid $2 an hour to move COVID-19 victims' bodies

    Amid a spike in COVID-19 cases, Texas' El Paso County is paying prison inmates $2 an hour to move the bodies of deceased victims of the disease. While prison labor is a common practice across the U.S., the reliance on inmates to handle the task of moving the corpses of COVID-19 victims is raising questions about the ethics of such work.

    No munnie...

  3. This day in history: the first confirmed covid-19 case can be traced in China.

    As for the "great news", "success" regarding vaccines, we are still a long ways off. They take years for a reason :(

    A Note Of Caution On Moderna’s Promising Covid-19 Vaccine News

    "... because of the accelerated pace of the vaccine trials, we are only able to judge how the vaccine activates the body’s primary immune response. This initial response may raise antibodies that can protect against infection, but that protection will fade and may fade rapidly, in as short a period as two months. Most vaccines rely on a long-term memory response instead. This long-term immune response is best tested six months to a year after vaccination which means, in the case of accelerated vaccine approval, we do not know if the vaccines generate long-term memory."

  4. Too windy and cold for golf right now... maybe the weekend..

    they are focusing on the “crown of thorns” aka here the “spike protein” to discriminate the thing:

    “Pfizer and BioNTech’s mRNA vaccine provides the cellular ingredient list not for a virus, but for the antibodies that target the signature spike protein on SARS-CoV-2”

    And yet the f-ing morons STILL don’t get it... can’t even make it up...

  5. “ you Americans are even worse off.”

    LOL trump has over 1.5T still in his account:

    If they let Biden steal it he may go scorched earth and run it down to zero on his way out the door and leave sleepy Joe with no munnie... then debt ceiling hits and Dems are f-ed again... and big deposit surge might create a nice big crash to boot...
