

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

All the good things a digital euro could do – and all the bad things it will — Norbert Häring

“What would happen if we gave the Earthlings our technological knowledge and methods? The first to seize upon them and use them to increase their own power would be the ruling class in all countries. This would be inevitable, because they already control the means of production and control the loyalty of 99% of all the scientists and engineers. In other words, they are the only ones who can apply the new technology, and they will use it to the exact extent that it can help them increase their power over the masses” (Alexander Bogdanov, Red Star, 1908).
Real-World Economics Review
All the good things a digital euro could do – and all the bad things it will 
Norbert Häring

1 comment:

  1. Anyone who wants to make the monetary system more stable and citizen-friendly, to preserve the privacy of citizens and the sovereignty of their country should oppose central bank digital money in general ... Norbert Häring

    Complete baloney since the ONLY way to be truly free of private banks is to allow all citizens, at least, to use fiat in all its forms including account balances at the Central Bank.

    As for privacy concerns, private banks would still exist and cash* too.

    *Though obviously banks and other large users/hoarders should not be able to use cash to escape paying for excessive use of a public utility, the Nation's fiat.
