

Saturday, December 26, 2020

China's central bank wants a say in fintech's future as it grants new personal credit ratings license to state venture with internet firms — Zhang Shidong

Shoring up the Chinese financial system with credit ratings through public-private partnership.

Yahoo Finance
China's central bank wants a say in fintech's future as it grants new personal credit ratings license to state venture with internet firms
Zhang Shidong in Shanghai for SCMP

1 comment:

  1. The fatal flaw is thinking that anyone is worthy of the PUBLIC'S CREDIT but for private gain.

    So China is not so much dangerous for being Communist but because it has adopted the West's inherently corrupt* finance system.

    *If God is opposed to charging fellow countrymen interest, then how much more is He opposed to government-privileged private-credit-for-usury cartels which simultaneously cheat non-borrowers while driving borrowers into debt?
