

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Huawei Gets Conditional Green Light in Germany as Government Approves Security Bill

 New network-security legislation is latest setback for U.S. effort to rein in Chinese tech giant

BERLIN—The German government Wednesday moved closer to allowing the use of Huawei’s technology in 5G mobile networks, giving the Chinese company a small victory on a European continent increasingly aligned with the Trump administration’s anti-Huawei views.

A bill approved by Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cabinet that would allow Huawei’s continued presence in Germany still requires parliamentary approval. But it already marks a setback for the outgoing U.S. administration, which has lobbied European allies to reject Huawei’s technology.


  1. I vaguely remember something about the Germany government switching from word processors to old fashioned typewriters for fear of US snooping.

    What a meddlesome country we are! What kind of system requires spying on allies?

    As for defense, haven't Vietnam and Afghanistan taught us that even 2nd and 3rd world countries aren't worth trying to conquer? How much less then the US?

  2. Huawei is not a threat to anyone's national security. It is the government that is a threat to your personal security.
