

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

My new podcast episode is out.


  1. Better than nothing - motto of Congress

    Sammy Davis Jr. would be disgusted.

  2. Applied MMT to policy is what is needed. Taking the zombie's money is non-political.

  3. Go on the Joe Rogan show - huge audience compared to Tim Pool.

  4. Peter...

    I tried contacting the Joe Rogan show many times via email, but they never responded. And it's maddening that he has not had an MMT person on, not even Kelton. Yet he's had that moron Schiff on, twice.

  5. Rogan is a bit of a conspiracy theorist...

    He’d be more likely to believe it’s all a big “neoliberal conspiracy!”....

  6. "Peter...

    I tried contacting the Joe Rogan show many times via email, but they never responded. And it's maddening that he has not had an MMT person on, not even Kelton. Yet he's had that moron Schiff on, twice."

    OK, I know this comment wasn't addressed to me, but since my name also happens to be "Peter" I thought I'd give Mike an explanation:

    It's because, Mike, the Joe Rogan show is a clown show... and you're not into clowning around. You're too serious for that putz. Think I'm kidding? The clown Rogan recently had on the his show the "sperm juice enhancement" supplement peddler Alex Jones. Fuckin' Alex Jones -- when he's not peddling his "sperm juice enhancement" supplement, he's spewing wild, outrageous conspiracy bullshit like the Sandy Hook massacre was a US government hoax.

    Mike, you gotta get yourself back on television. True, that Kelton is a very attractive woman, but what you have that she doesn't have is the ability to do live television with relative ease. I remember you when you were on the financial tv shows and how effortlessly you got the important points across in the few minutes you were allotted.

    Off topic: (really had to get this off my hairy chest)

    With the pardoning of Paul Manafort, the headline in all the major news outlets this morning should have been...

    Greatest Cuckold in America Pardoned!

    Paul Manafort is the sleaziest of the sleaze. The fucker is even far worse than Kushner's father. For those who don't know, Manafort used to force his wife into sexual orgies so he can get himself off while watching. Mutual consent between him and his wife? Fuck no! His wife suffers from severe cognitive impairment from a near-fatal horseback riding accident she had some years back, and that is how he got her to do that shit. How do we know this? From their two daughters!

  7. Yeah Rogan is into all the Alex Jones conspiracy theories... bohemium grove... bildaburgers... nwo...
