

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Paul Jay - The Democratic Party and the War Machine : Vijay Prashad

 The Analysis-News

Paul Jay believes people really have become more enlightened in modern times. He says that up until WW2 Western people really believed it was okay to plunder the world. He believes that if people could get the real news the majority of them would want to stop the wars. For instance, he adds, most people don't know that the US chose Hiroshima and Nagasaki for nuclear destruction because they had firebombed to the ground all of Japan's other cities. They don't teach this in the schools, and they don't tell us about Jeffrey Butler either. Anyway, it's really great to see Paul Jay back. 

The roots of the Democratic Party’s foreign policy are found in WWII, the atomic bombing of Japan and militarization during the Cold War. Biden supported the Iraq War but fought for the nuclear agreement with Iran. What should we expect from his administration? Vijay Prashad joins Paul Jay on podcast.


  1. "He believes that if people could get the real news the majority of them would want to stop the wars."

    True. For example, I don't believe for a second that the American people would have been OK with the ethnic cleansing of the Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh a few months ago if they were informed/aware of it. And definitely NOT OK that it was their own government, the TRUMP administration, that provided the massive military aid to Azerbaijan that enabled them to carry out said ethnic cleansing of the Armenians. Of course, Azerbaijan also had a lot of help from Turkey (a NATO member!) and Israel. Turkey provided military hardware, military advisors, and Syrian jihadists. These Syrian jihadis, btw, were of the US-sponsored/trained variety, so nothing to sneeze at. And Israel? Well, the shitty state that so proudly lives up to its nickname, provided the drones and military intelligence. Seriously, the Armenians, had no chance.

  2. The average American cares little about foreign policy.
    Same in Canada, but we ain't an empire.

  3. @ lastgreek

    And the Armenian leadership had aligned with the US and West, so Russia, their natural ally as an Orthodox nation, hung them out to dry.

  4. And, Tom, the Greece knows it too well (well it better know it by now) that they can't rely on any help from any country against Turkey's territorial ambitions, and why they need to plan as if they are all alone.

  5. "the Greece"... lol

    but in Greek, it does have the article: H Hellas :)

  6. Hellas Planicia - lowest region on Mars
